A Note From Carole Brewer
Many blessings and thanks for visiting my website!
As you look up, along the navigation bar, you'll notice that I love sharing the truth of God's word in a variety of ways. Whether it's through my speaking, writing, music, or podcast, I just want you to know how much Jesus loves you!
Make sure to download my FREE Six-Week Devotional eBook: Revitalize, Refresh, Renew & Revive Your Spirit Now. Also, be sure to sign-up for my monthly Praise Notes devotional and leave me a note on my Contact page letting me know how I can best serve your church or organization.
Always remember:
'Whatever you do - do it all to honor and glorify God' 1 Corinthians 10:31
God bless you! I look forward to connecting.
Connect with Carole! FOLLOW JESUS!